Monday, March 21, 2011

Many cognitive scientists argue that the human capacity to form mental models is genetically programmed. Concepts have been developed in the mind using emotional connections of memory, particularly those that are simple and strong, have the potential to form the basis of an architectural or artistic expression. By establishing connections between ideas, emotions, forms and spaces, such 'generative' concepts (which are genetically produced and learned processes) give rise to particular architectural ideas that have the strength of archetypes and that may either be common to all mankind, or more specifically belong to one society. -Lindsay Asquith

What has occurred in the Kensington Warehouses is a contemporary(current) society within the structures themselves. The emotion that first strikes and outsider is the predominant feature of graffiti in the site. The question I posed here is whether the graffiti was the vernacular of the site?

The collage attempts to show how a current ritual can underpin a design strategy for a specific audience using the site.

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